FREE DOWNLOAD - get episode 58 (recently discovered!)

Get The "Lost" Episode 58 - How to Win Negotiations

ALsensei found this episode in his files and it's one of the best episodes in the history of Business English Power!

Do you use English at work?
Have you struggled with business negotiations?
Would you like to learn 3 powerful tactics to help you win?

What You'll Learn In This Download

Learn how to be powerful in your business negotiations using the following 3 tactics from one of the world's best negotiators - former lead FBI negotiator Chris Voss:

Tactic #1

Use these 2 types of questions to keep you in control

Tactic #2

Use your "negative" points as a powerful positive

Tactic #3

Use the power of corrections to let the other team "win" while you "win more"

"In this world, you get what you ask for -- you just have to ask correctly."

~ Chris Voss - Former Lead FBI Negotiator and Business Coach

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